Blue Nun is my Saviour

Memoirs of Medikitty

I enjoy an alcoholic beverage as much as the next student. However, last term I started to rely on alcohol when I felt particularly anxious or distressed.

If I felt low, I would have a shot of vodka to get me onto campus. I’m not proud of it. But at the time, it was a quick fix because it made me feel slightly better. If I felt particularly bad, I would turn to miniature bottles of vodka. I would like to stress that I’m not an alcoholic. I wouldn’t say I’m addicted to alcohol. This didn’t happen every day, just when I happened to hit a low point.

When things got tough over the Easter holiday, I drank in excess to block out negative thoughts. One night, I put myself at risk which was the wake up call I needed to seek help.

Since then I’ve begun a course of antidepressants. I’ve been advised to cut down on my drinking and I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss it to an extent. Therefore, Blue Nun is my saviour. It’s a wine which is relatively low in alcohol which means that I can enjoy a glass with my friends before a night out.

Love, Medikitty

Plastic Wallet of Sadness

Memoirs of Medikitty

Last year, I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder. It’s certainly an interesting cocktail, granted. Below is just a brief example of how my anxiety affects me whilst I am away at University.

So, I was heading to submit an assignment when I realised that the other people around me where submitting their work in plastic wallets. I didn’t happen to have a wallet on me, so, in the spirit of peer pressure, I borrowed one from my friend and hurriedly went to hand my assignment in.

But, upon leaving the room, I started to feel anxious. I had never submitted an assignment in with a plastic wallet before. Would this affect my grade? No, of course not its a bloody plastic wallet… But what if that made all the difference?

Outside, I ended up having a panic attack for about half an hour. I rang my boyfriend, then my mum and eventually, I went and grabbed a drink to try and calm down. Nothing worked, so I found myself running back to get the plastic wallet.

I told the office some bullshit story. I didn’t have another wallet, I needed the one I had submitted back so that I could submit it with another piece of coursework. All the while, I was waving my arms in the air animatedly and the woman at the office looked visibly concerned.

So she gave my wallet back and I breathed a sigh of relief.

As I left, I turned to say thank you. And then I saw her shrug and put my work in ANOTHER plastic wallet. FABULOUS.

Looking back at it now, its a pretty funny story. But at the time it felt like a matter of life and death.

Love, Medikitty